Which functions it has?
1. Login side
2. Register for an account side
3. Reset a new password side
4. Main Dashboard of Burger shop
How does it access?
First: An user has to log in to their account with a username and a password.
Second: If that user doesn't have an account yet they will have to create a new one for themselves.
Third: Users also can reset their new password in case they forgot it.
Snapshot sample
Login side
Register side
Website side
How to run?
- Download and install any local web server such as xampp
- Download the provided source code zip file. (I'll drop the link to download belove)
System install/setup
- Open your xampp control panel and start Apache and MySQL
- Extract the source code you recently downloaded
- Copy and paste file in htdocs of xampp directory
- Browse the phpmyadmin in any browser. i.e. http://localhost/phpmyadmin
- Then create a new database named burgershop
- Import the provided SQL file.
- Browse the Back-End PHP with Login Form by HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, xammp in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/burgershop
Source code here:
Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dWi_QBoI1MIVm4NLIGvhBT9XN_-yLiGr?usp=share_link
GitHub: https://github.com/reanfullstack/login-form-with-php