Back-End PHP with Login Form by HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, xammp



This project is entitled Login Form with PHP. This is a normal way to use PHP to write some script to access any users when their login to their account.

Which functions it has?

1. Login side

2. Register for an account side

3. Reset a new password side

4. Main Dashboard of Burger shop

How does it access?

First: An user has to log in to their account with a username and a password.
Second: If that user doesn't have an account yet they will have to create a new one for themselves.
Third: Users also can reset their new password in case they forgot it.

Snapshot sample

Login side

Register side

Website side

How to run?


  • Download and install any local web server such as xampp
  • Download the provided source code zip file. (I'll drop the link to download belove)

System install/setup

  • Open your xampp control panel and start Apache and MySQL
  • Extract the source code you recently downloaded
  • Copy and paste file in htdocs of xampp directory
  • Browse the phpmyadmin in any browser. i.e. http://localhost/phpmyadmin
  • Then create a new database named burgershop
  • Import the provided SQL file. 
  • Browse the Back-End PHP with Login Form by HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, xammp in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/burgershop

Source code here: 

Google Drive:

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